Often children who have encountered issues or trauma can be delayed in certain areas of their development. Our ethos at Laois Play Therapy is to meet the child at their developmental age and help them reach the milestone at their own pace. For example, if a 4-year-old child still hasn’t mastered potty training, the child may have experienced difficulty at that stage of their development. We would, therefore, consider the child’s developmental age as two years old. From there, we can go back to the basics and begin guiding the child through the milestone.

Below are checklists of developmental milestones for children from birth to five plus.

Using the checklists correctly can help determine whether your child may need support in areas of their development.

Please remember that every child is different and many children will reach these milestones at their own pace without any help.

How to Use the Checklist

  1. Check off all milestones relevant to your child’s age, including those from a younger age group.
  2. Note any milestones that have not been reached.
  3. Book a consultation or contact Laois Play Therapy if you believe your child may need assistance.


If you feel that your child could benefit from Play Therapy, book a consultation with us today.

If you would like to find out more about play therapy, visit our What is Play Therapy page below.