If you feel that your child could benefit from Play Therapy, book a consultation with us today.

Sessions with Laois Play Therapy begin with an initial consultation with only the parents/guardians and the therapist present. This consultation will determine whether play therapy is the right choice for the child. The consultation takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours, and both parents/guardians should be present. However, it is understandable if this is not possible.

Both the therapist and parents/guardians will agree to a weekly timeslot for the child.
Each play therapy session is 45 minutes long.
The parents/guardians must agree that the child will attend 12 consecutive sessions with Laois Play Therapy.
Please note
: some children may require more than 12 sessions

Please complete the forms provided below before you attend the consultation.

We provide a limited number of spaces at a reduced rate. These spaces are reserved for those on limited incomes or other exceptional circumstances. Please contact us directly to discuss your options.

Note: Our booking system is currently unavailable. If you would like to book a consultation please contact Aisling

Required Forms

Please fill out and return these forms to Laois Play Therapy.